Saturday 27 August 2011

Lost somewhere...

The gravity I used to feel by looking at your face,
The smile I used to fake to not to let you embrace,
And the feeling I used to had on being with you,
Its all somewhere lost… without you…

The things I used to notice whenever you were around me,
The secrets I used to share without the fear of what’s gonna be,
And the texts I used to send late nights, only to you,
Its all somewhere lost… without you…

The hand I used to hold while dancing with a smile,
The hairs I used to caress not just for a while,
And the eyes I used to look into, to see the real YOU,
Its all somewhere lost… without you…

The girl I used to think the most sweetest girl on earth,
The love I used to value, was indeed of nothing worth,
And the heart I used to think as mine, was always of you,
Everything’s lost now, lost somewhere without you…

Sunday 7 August 2011

Where are those days ??

I look back into the past,

A past that is just buried,

Having the precious moments,

We had together with no worries.

I wonder how these years slipped away,

So soon like the sand from my hands,

As those were the best days,

I’ve ever had with those idiot friends.

We used to go together everywhere,

We want, with fun in our mind,

And now, there’s a separate path for everyone,

And no one else to find.

Teasing and irritating each other,

Was used to be our favorite time pass

But now, no one is there to tease,

And to be teased while being in a class.

Combined late night studies on the arrival of exams,

With lots of syllabus on head is no more in life,

Regular offices of everyone has replaced it all,

And sometimes, it cuts like a knife.

Undoubtedly, college days,

Were the most memorable days of my life till now,

I wanna live them again and again,

I wanna let’em  again… somehow… somehow….

Friday 5 August 2011

Father And Son !

When I was two, having my first walk,

I wasn’t confident enough to go through,

I thought I’ll not be able to make it,

But I did! Coz father I saw you..

When I was seventeen, having my first date,

I wasn’t bold enough to go through,

I thought my girl wouldn’t like it,

But she did! Coz father I saw you..

When I was thirty, having my first ring,

I wasn’t responsible enough to go through,

I thought that I’d surely make a mistake,

But I didn’t! Coz father I saw you..

When I was forty, having my first child,

I wasn't good enough to go through,

I thought that I’ll not turned out to be a good father,

But I did! Coz father I saw you..

When I was sixty, having my real tears,

I wasn’t brave enough to go through,

I thought there was someone else being burned,

But it wasn’t! Coz father I saw you..


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