Wednesday 22 June 2011

Insomniac... !

It was a cold winter night,yet warm with your memories,
laying down on my bed, i was trying to fall asleep.

Suddenly i get up by a knock on the door,
without my sleepers,i got down on the cold chill floor.

Thinking who might be now at this time,
a shiver went down through my spine.

Opened the door while rubbing my eyes,

was thinking if i were in a beautiful world of lies..


It was my love knocking for me,
for whom i went down on my knees.

My mouth was open now with my eyes throwing questions,

sweat had drenched me now caesing all my motions.

Somehow i managed to say 'hi' with my shivering lips,

she uttered 'how're you my love' as it was at her fingertips.

I couldn't believe on what my ears heard,

as it was the first time my love was saying such words.

I was lost by then in her eyes and thoughts,

she took me to senses by saying 'where are you lost' ?

Then she threw me on the bed,completely making me surprise,

she came and sat in my lap, as she was my prize.

In no time,her hands gripped around my neck,

then with a lovely smile,she removed my specs.

For me, believing on the things happening around was quite tough,

'cause it was the first time when i was feeling her love.

She was so close to me, yet i was feeling her far away,

but her that tight hug made me feel the warmth of may.

By now, my eyes were wet and closed, nd i was immersed in her love,

i was feeling so happy that i forgot everything else of the world.

But when i open my drenched eyes,

i again got a surprise.

My dream was over now,

and now i've to pay the price.

A price worth my tears and the pain of separation,

and a pain which never reduce even after a million confessions.

This is how my night goes with a silent scream,

and my heart saying that ''it was just a dream''

Tuesday 21 June 2011


Some promises are meant to be kept, but you broke my one,

and that one was enough to make me fall in this run,

a promise that you'll love me forever, exists no more,

and a pain is there now deep inside in my heart's core.

I don’t know how and why you changed so quickly,

because i thought you'd remain like what you were only,

but all my expectations and all my hopes are now in vain,

and now, the only way for me to hide my tears is to be in rain.

I'm hopeless now, as my only ray of hope has gone,

"love lasts forever" you proved it wrong,

now nothing seems to be good as my everything has disappeared,

with you in my life, even in my saddest time, I was much happier.

Without you, I feel like I’m all alone even in a crowded place,

and all i wanna see always and every time is your beautiful face,

a face, of whose memories stretches blood out of my eyes,

so as to find my pillow wet before every sunrise.

All around me ,there may be many ,but never a girl like you,

its my heart ,which always thinks about you ,what can I do??

Still I can’t believe it, I wonder if I’m in a dream,

I can’t even express my pain and frustration, I can just scream and scream.

I know that its very difficult for me to be with an another girl,

I don’t know what else is there written in my destiny,

but I'm sure that I’ll never be always alone...

‘Cause after every night, there comes a beautiful dawn..!!

Sunday 12 June 2011

With you.... My Friend !!

When darkness was around me,
Preventing all rays of hope to find me,
When all I could see was the end,
But with you, I found a way my friend.

Cruelty of this world always used to hit me,
Without caring for my feelings, people used to leave me,
When the pain on my face wasn’t likely to mend,
But with you, it turned in a smile my friend.

I never used to remain awake on my birthday,
I never had anyone texting me a simple “hey”,
I was happy – was all I’ve to pretend,
But with you, it became a memory my friend.

Happiness and colors were not made for me,
A smiling face – was all I tried to be,
I was breathing for the sake of the end,
But with you, I learned to live life my friend.

I never had anyone to share and fight,
I never had anyone ‘mine’ in my sight,
I was completely incomplete just like the old trend,
But with you, I become complete my friend.

Friday 10 June 2011

Love to be loved....

You showed me the way, that was good for me,
And on that way, I’ll always be !!

After surrendering my soul to you, I became complete,
And this is me, your love, which will never ever cheat !!

Moments will be there when you’ll find me bad,
But my baby, at that time, don’t be sad,
‘Cause …
Ups and downs are part of living,
And we have to move on without thrilling,
Just like….

Every day is not bright,
And every night is not quiet,

And that’s how…

Every person isn’t perfect…!!

But I’ve saw that perfection in you,
And that’s why I fell in love with you !!
Without you, there’s no smile in my life and no pleasure of living,
But with you, every moment seems to be great and worth enjoying !!

It’s you, to whom I wanna give credits of all my success,
And a Big-Big thanks for sometimes bearing my stress !!

May this day give us endless happiness and love, and come forever,
So that I can say while hugging you “ I Love you Dear “

Heart... That still Aches !!

Behind my face, there is hidden pain and depression,

but none of them, i could mention,

the pain of separation from the gal whom i liked a lot,

and an undermining depression pushing me down on the spot.

Every push making me hollow and is smothering me,

and every moment spent with her and she herself is torturing me,

I wish I could run away, I wish I could forget,

I wish I could pull back the time, so that we could never ever met.

This pain is hard to handle and these tears are hard to stop,

happiness is far away from me, which I’ve never ever got,

an impatient sadness resides in me, and a part of it kills me every time ,

and that reason would be you ,which will make me feel like killing myself on this valentine.

There's nowhere i can go and there's no-one on whom i can rely,

and all the doors are closed now which were leading to my cutie pie,

she has gone far beyond my field of view , she has gone forever,

and here , like a love-tucked lover ,I’m standing waiting for her.

Feelings for her of mine, are hard to express,

she has leaved me alone and suffocated in this mess,

she broke my heart into pieces , not even bothering about the blood that flooded out,

and when she was going with her back facing me , then all I could was to run , fall and shout.

I hate my scenario , I hate my past, which I can’t even change,

and now I feel , everything about me ,just so strange,

I feel like a part of my soul has been taken away and been killed,

so that I cud never ever get it and forever remain thrilled.

Truthfully and unwantedly ,you'll be a part of me always ,which I don’t want now,

just I want to move on and forget you forever ,but I don’t know how,

my other dreams are waiting for me , and I don’t wanna miss any other,

as I know how it feels to miss one !! Digging u and making u hollow further and further...

Wednesday 8 June 2011

.... But hope never Ends !!

Darkness may surround you,
Cruelty may bound you,
But hope never ends.
Curses may catch you,
Tears may drench you,
But hope never ends.

You may feel down,
You may feel no way around,
But hope never ends.
You may feel rejected,
You may feel poison injected,
But hope never ends.

No elements of happiness, you may see,
No one may be there to set you free,
But hope never ends.
Nothing may heal your heart again,
And nobody may feel your pain,
But hope never ends.

Your world, your everything may seem far away,
After sleepless nights, you may be bursting your day,
But hope never ends.
Everything you used to like, may irritate you,
And everytime, people may confuse you,
But hope never ends.

With a little optimism, just have a smile,
And with a calm mind, just think for a while,
You’ll see yourself breaking all the trends,
And you’ll feel yourself that HOPE NEVER ENDS.....

Monday 6 June 2011

Wanna be with you... Forever !!

You did the things which seamed impossible to me,
Thats why, always in life,  you'll  get the best of me.

In my life ,you realised me what love is,
I'll die if  I've to live without this.

But I know that we'll always be together,
we'll never have to live without each other in any season or weather.

Being with you makes me forget myself totally,
I love to being with you and see u jolly.

I can’t tell you that how much I love you,
but I'd just say that forever is not enough to being with you.

I wanna be a ray when  you're in dark,
because you are the one who healed my all scars.

Although I can’t express what I feel for you,
I'll just say that there's never a time when I don’t think of you.

My heart loves you more than anyone,
I just pray, that till death, we should be one.

I don’t care whether you’ll  like this poem or not,
but I’m sure that you've known the feelings behind this note.

In the end I'll say-  I'LL LOVE YOU  forever and always,
I can’t live without you my dear,
You’re the one I'll ever chase.....

Friday 3 June 2011

A Must Read For All.....

On this bitter cold morning
under the cold grey sky,
i was thinking about him
with a tear in my eye.

Last night they came
and throw his life away,
they didn't even know
that he deserved to stay.

He was screaming
he was crying,
'you are fool,morons'
is what he could say before dying.

He is the reason for our survival,
and he is the human race's driver,
maybe he was supposed to end like this,
even after giving us the thing for breath

With his green leaves
he used to create beauty,
and by giving fruits and oxygen
he used to serve his duty.

But it took a minute
for them to kill mr.innocent,
who in a way
is more than our friend.

His family was crying
with a fear of falling down,
why we have to sacrifice ourselves
for settling up of a town.

Why we forget that we
are because of their existence,
they make our life,we
should respect their presence.

So save them before
we lose ourself completely,
they are of no harm
to you all and to me.....



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